What is a mystery? A mystery is nothing else but a contradiction, a palpable absurdity, a notorious impossibility on which theologians wish to compel believers to humbly close their minds and eyes. A mystery is whatever our spiritual guides cannot explain to us. In extreme cases, which happens more and more, this mystery cannot be… Continue reading
There are only two industries that call their customers ‘users’: Illegal drugs and software. Edward Tufte
The God of modern theology
Ancient gods could move, build up, destroy and propagate beings to himself. The God of modern theology is a narcissist and a sterile being. A complete loner. Man made him so he does not occupy space, move material, produce anything visible and can also not create man or other gods. The new metaphysical God is… Continue reading
What is the secret source of all wealth?
To make a profit, a capitalist must sell a product for more than what it cost to pay the labourers that produced the product. The labourers do not get paid the full value of their labour. Profit is thus unpaid labour.
The evolution of religious beliefs
To early Man, the gods were real in the same sense that the mountains, forests, or waterfalls which were thought to be their homes were real. For a long time, the spirits that lived in drugs or wines and made them potent were believed to be of the same order of fact as the potency itself. But the human creature is curious and curiosity is bold. Hence, the discovery that a reported god may be a myth.
Max Carl Otto
Eventually, we follow the truth
How often it has happened that one man, standing at the right point of view, has descried the truth, and, after having been denounced and persecuted by all others, they have eventually been constrained to adopt his declarations!
Corona virus vs humans
Agent Smith: I’d like to share a revelation that I’ve had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you’re not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You’re a plague and we are the cure.
Agent Smith
Lockdown idiocy
Lockdown due to the Corona Virus is necessary for some situations. Let’s face it. It is created to give politicians, with minimal medical experience, time to relax and think about what is going to happen to their votes if they do nothing. It is a bit shitty for them as we all know their hands… Continue reading
Within this narrow cell that I call “me”, I was imprisoned ere the worlds began, And all the worlds must run, as first they ran, In silver star-dust, ere I shall be free. I beat my hands against the walls and find It is my breast I beat, O bond and blind! – Lily A…. Continue reading
Online privacy conspiracy theorists lack credibility
Online privacy conspiracy theorists lack credibility because it is difficult to distinguish them from being Google and Facebook trolls or Gish Gallopers. Name a conspiracy theorist that proves theory with scientific fact. Wiki leaks are not conspiracy theorists, they are journalists. Edward Snowden made a big splash with his revelations. Unfortunately, he is not on… Continue reading