“Most of our lives, most of us live in realities determined by others, imprinted in our brains by education, by religion, by politics, by the authorities.”
Tim Leary
Post Category → Quotes
The Sin Scam
It is the ultimate scam. Think about it: You pay the church to insure you for imaginary crimes against an imaginary being, so that you won’t go to an imaginary hell, as well as insuring you to go to an imaginary heaven. It’s a billion dollar industry established by charlatans and funded entirely by the stupidity of our speices.
Michael Sherlock
Fair is fair
If you expect me to keep my Atheism quiet, then I expect you to keep your religion quiet. You have the freedom of religion, and I have the freedom from religion. FB.COM/WTFATHEISM
Growing up
The way in which men are brought up makes them useful but to the clergy, who blind them, and to the tyrants, who plunder them.
Jean Meslier (1664-1729)
If you find yourself feeling useless, remember it took 20 years, trillions
A positive person
of dollars, and 4 U.S. presidents to replace the Taliban with the Taliban.
I’m responsible for what I say, not what you understand.
My tolerance for idiots is extremely low these days. I used to have some
immunity built up, but obviously there’s a new strain out there.
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You know why smoking extends your life?, because every hour quitting takes three days to pass.
A Smoker
Religion, inversely correlated
They came with a Bible and their religion stole our land, crushed our spirit… and now tell us we should be thankful to the ‘Lord’ for being saved.
Chief Pontiac (d. 1769)