Religion seeks and feeds on specific weaknesses and vulnerabilities of people. People who have a habit of trembling every time they hear certain words grow dependent on them. These people are addicted to that type of fear. Once an addiction to fear sets in, fear becomes the crutch. They will rather listen to what creates… Continue reading
Post Category → Religion
Superstition and reason – the evolution of religion
Superstition and reason stand on the opposite sides of the road. Superstition is based on fear of the unknown, reason embraces the unknown. The Neolithic man lived twelve thousand years ago. All things around him seemed to conspire for his death. He did not understand nature and did not differentiate animate from inanimate objects. He… Continue reading
To adore God is to adore fiction.
Religion avoids embarrassment by telling us that we don’t need to know what God is. We must revere God without knowing Him. It must be unconditional faith, no questions asked, not even about Him and why he does certain things. Here is the problem I see. Humans can only adore, revere and love something tangible…. Continue reading
A universal god should have revealed a universal religion.
A universal religion does not exist. The closest we came to universality was paganism. The common thread was there are no rules. It could be said paganism is a universal religion.
Why is the gospel so difficult to understand
If God wanted religion to be essential, he would make it intelligible to everyone. If it was the most important thing, the goodness of God, it seems, ought to make it the clearest, the most evident, and the best demonstrated of all things. Is it not astonishing to see that the gospel, apparently so essential… Continue reading
Every religion is an absurdity.
Religion introduces God to man. God did not introduce Himself to us. If that were the case, the Neanderthals would have had some type of bible to work with. In the same breath, religion declares God as infinite. How can there be communication between something finite and infinite? Scientists don’t even understand infinity. How can… Continue reading
Religion is founded upon credulity
The foundation of religion tells us that our minds are limited to grasp the Divine qualities of God. One would think, however, that God made us in such a manner that we could understand the Divine qualities. Is that not what an infinite being with infinite knowledge would incorporate into His design? No wonder religion… Continue reading
Is it possible to think logically about God?
No religious system can be founded otherwise than upon the nature of God and man, and upon the relationship, they bear to each other. However, in order to judge the reality of these relationships, we must have some idea of the Divine nature. However, everybody tells us that the essence of God is incomprehensible to… Continue reading
We are not born religious or deistical.
All religious principles base their ideas on a ‘God’ which does not act upon any human senses. The idea is convenient because no man can comprehend such a being. All our ideas are but pictures of objects which strike us. What can the idea of God represent to us when it is an idea without… Continue reading
What is theology?
Theology is the science whose object is only incomprehensible things. Unlike all other science fields, it occupies itself with things that cannot be seen or touched. Theology must be called “the kingdom of darkness.” In this kingdom, everyone obeys laws opposed to those which men acknowledge the world they inhabit. In this marvellous region, light… Continue reading