Rational belief exclude popular belief.

Atheism requires rational thought. It requires you to question everything around you and say, “maybe yes, maybe no”. The average person, is incapable of questioning perceived authority. A top down authoritarian school system stripped all freedom of thought and expression. Dwindling church members is not a sign of better rational thought, it just means less people go to church.

Atheism requires discussion which is not suitable for the average person. In order to discus or debate, you have to be able to think independently. To preach atheism to the masses is to create resentment. The resentment caused by a feeling of incompetence of thought. Just like trying to solve a mathematical problem without any math background. Explaining atheism to the masses is the same as explaining a philosopher’s hypothesis, an astronomer’s observations, a chemist’s experiments, a geometer’s calculations, a physician’s examinations, an architect’s designs, or a lawyer’s pleadings.

The general public cannot comprehend the irrationality of the metaphysical arguments of theology. If they could, religion would cease to exist or would never have existed. Incapable of any rational thought the general public are led over a cliff by their noses. It seems that the beauty of simplicity and rational thought is frowned upon with distrust. Incomprehensible irrational arguments and facts have more credibility. Magic is a better lure than fact.

Why is it that the masses do not accept the simplicity of Atheism, but seem to accept the incomprehensible absurdity of religion. The insolvable complexity of religion paralyzes the non-thinking mind into subversion.

The atheist movement has no mass gathering rituals. They occupy themselves with more important and enjoyable activities on a Sunday. Atheism is there for those who read and reason. The general public read little and reason less.

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