Cognitive dissonance is a psychological concept developed by Leon Festinger in 1957. It refers to the discomfort or tension that arises when a person holds two or more contradictory beliefs, attitudes, or values, or when their behavior conflicts with their beliefs or values. This discomfort motivates individuals to resolve the inconsistency and bring their thoughts,… Continue reading
Author Archives → Lyssa god of Rage
If God was real
If God was real, the earth would be paradise and there would be no suffering and injustice. Just think about it.
Human nature
Race disconnects. Religion separates. Politics divides. Wealth classifies.
Who was Jean Meslier and what was his philosophy
Jean Meslier was a French Catholic priest who lived in the 17th century. Despite his position as a priest, Meslier was a man of great intelligence and skepticism, who challenged the traditional religious beliefs of his time. He is most known for his posthumously published work, “Memoirs of a Priest,” which outlines his philosophical views… Continue reading
The value of religion
Religion, the opium of the masses, has been a bane of humanity since the dawn of time. It has been the source of countless wars, oppressions, and prejudices. But, let’s be honest, what good has ever come out of it? Absolutely none! Firstly, religion divides people. People fight and kill each other over their beliefs,… Continue reading
Why the holy trinity does not make sense
The concept of the Holy Trinity, which is central to many Christian denominations, has been the source of much controversy and confusion for centuries. The idea that one God exists as three distinct persons – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – defies logic and comprehension. Firstly, the idea of three distinct persons,… Continue reading
Difference between a politician and Government official
A man is driving along the road when he realizes he’s lost. He stops to ask a passer by.“Excuse me, could you help me please? I have a meeting at 2pm, I’m running 30 mins late and I have no idea where I am!”“Of course!” said the stranger. “You are in a car, on the… Continue reading
It’s Putin’s war not the Russian’s and other insights.
The war on Ukraine is not Russia’s war, it’s Putin’s ideological obsession with the old USSR. He is obsessed with the past. As an old KGB loyalist, he cannot let go and accept big business wants democracy, families want peace and freedom of choice. By Putin I mean all the war mongers like his generals… Continue reading
XX and XY
If God made Eve from the rib of Adam, how does that explain the XX and XY chromosomes?
How to give a cat a pill … and a dog, too:
Pick up cat and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat’s mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth, pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and… Continue reading